Thursday, June 5, 2008

15 Days to Live

I was just informed by my friends that my life will be ending in 15 days. I have started to compile a list of things I need to do before my final day…strangely enough, on my list of 10 things, #’s1-5 and #8 all have something to do with my penis…weird.

What‘s a man to do once he turns 25. I imagine that on that day, as the clock strikes midnight, my balls will gain 827 new wrinkles and Matlock will be my favorite show. On the upside, if I crap my pants it really isn’t that big of a deal, old people do that.

I have noticed that hangover’s last a little longer and hurt a little more….I TiVo stuff that may run past 11PM…and worst of all, I use the phrase “yeah, they’re about our age” when referring to someone who is 30.

I have a few options. I could grow a ‘stache like Burt Reynolds, I’m pretty sure he stopped aging years ago, or I could go into full denial and start telling people lies about my high school football days.

Either way, I guess I should get started on my list:

#1. Find one Asian boy………..

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